Watershed Management & Planning
- Guidance Document for Watershed Management Planning in the Bighill, Horse and Jumpingpound Creek Watersheds
- Jumpingpound Creek State of the Watershed Report
- Jumpingpound Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan
- Lesser Slave Integrated Watershed Management Plan
- Nose Creek Watershed Water Management Plan
- Milk River State of the Watershed Report
- Milk River Transboundary State of the Watershed Report (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana U.S.A.)
- Milk River Integrated Watershed Management Plan
- Stakeholder Initiation to Water Management Planning in the Bighill and Horse Creek Watershed
- Terms of Reference for the Beaver River Integrated Watershed Management Plan
- Upper Fish Creek State of the Watershed Report

Water Quality Monitoring & Environmental Reporting
Water Quality Monitoring
- Baseline water quality data collection for Horse Creek and Bighill Creek, Cochrane
- Water quality monitoring at Western Irrigation District canals, Strathmore
- Water quality monitoring at Chestermere Lake and Langdon Reservoir, Western Irrigation District, Strathmore
- Water quality monitoring, Jumpingpound Creek watershed
- Suspended sediment monitoring during instream construction, Policeman’s Flats restoration, Bow River
- Feedlot runoff treatment system and constructed wetland monitoring
Environmental Reporting
- Historical review of water quality in Eagle Lake, Strathmore
- Aquatic monitoring (dissolved oxygen, aquatic macrophytes, hydrology, blue-green algae) at a Bow River side channel receiving treated wastewater, Strathmore, EPCOR
- Managing Riparian Areas for Biodiversity: A Summary of Research and Annotated Bibliography from Alberta and Other Relevant Areas – Report
- Bird Diversity and Riparian Areas: Literature Review and Summary
- Overview of Riparian Health Assessment and Inventory Work Completed in Alberta – Report
- Statistical analysis of ecological monitoring data
- Provincial review of watershed research and development of online literature database
- A Review of the Benesov constructed wetland, Czech Republic
- Constructed wetlands for the storage, treatment and disposal of dairy farm wastewater and the potential contribution of Typha x glauca, Sagittaria latifolia and Scirpus validus

Fisheries and Aquatic SCIENCE
- Fisheries and benthic invertebrate assessment of Bighill Creek and Horse Creek, Cochrane
- Fish and fish habitat assessment of Priddis Creek, Priddis Greens Services Co-op Ltd., Foothills County
- Construction monitoring during installation of fish habitat enhancement structures, Elbow River, Rocky View County
- Temporary diversion licences for Ells River, Dover River and MacKay River, Fort McMurray
- Fish salvage and construction monitoring, Policeman’s Flats restoration, Bow River
- “No Net Loss” fish habitat compensation plan, Northern Lights Mining and Extraction Project, Fort McMurray
- Fisheries assessment and compensation design options, Laycock Park, Calgary
- Watercourse navigability assessment at access roads and lease area, Northern Lights Mining and Extraction Project, Fort McMurray
- Fisheries assessment, bridge replacement at Crowfoot Creek, Standard
- Nose Creek watershed riparian photo log project
- Arrowwood Community Wetland Enhancement Project
- Fisheries assessment, regulatory permitting, fish rescue & sediment monitoring, Nose Creek bank stabilization, Telus Spark Centre, Calgary

Stakeholder Engagement
- First Nations Consultation, Fish Habitat Compensation Plan, Synenco Northern Lights Project, Fort McMurray
- Nose Creek Watershed Water Management Plan – Public Open Houses and Stakeholder Engagement
- Watershed Management Planning scoping exercise for the Town of Cochrane and MD of Rocky View
- Watershed Planning and Advisory Council consultation, Milk River
- Stakeholder Engagement for the Beaver River Watershed Integrated Watershed Management Plan
Guiding Principle
Palliser Environmental’s success is guided by the integration of three fundamental values
Guiding Principle
Palliser Environmental’s success is guided by the integration of three fundamental values